deploying Phase




Deployment begins when stabilizing ends with the Release Readiness Milestone, which is a MOF Management Review. During deployment, the project team implements the core solution and the site components into the production environment; stabilizes the implementation; transfers the project to Operations; and gets final customer approval for the new solution. The existing solution will be retired from production.


Even though the Stabilize process is finished, stabilization continues during implementation as the team transfers the solution from a test environment into the production environment. After implementation, the team conducts a project review and customer satisfaction survey.

Tad Nelson Consulting will provide validation of the operational status for the solution that has been implemented. A final knowledge transfer and review of any remaining deliverables will be performed with the project team completing the project with the Deployment Complete Milestone having been met.


Typical Deliverables:              

1.       Pilot and Production Rollout to End Users

2.       Final Knowledge Transfer to Client Operations

3.       Final Project Documentation Delivered

4.       Project Review and Customer Satisfaction Survey